Thursday, May 26, 2011
Ebola virus -transmission prevetion
Ebola virus infection is a highly contagious disease, Ebola virus is transmitted by direct contact with the blood, stool, urine, secretions, organs or body fluids of infected persons.
Any direct contact with the body of a deceased person especially during burial ceremonies can accelerate the transmission of the virus. A WHO report also indicated that the Ebola-virus could easily be transmitted from dead chimpanzees, gorillas and forest antelopes to humans.
Against Ebola virus spread, the isolation strategy is key in containing the ebola virus within a limited area (quarantee). In health centers the Patients with suspected ebola virus infection should be isolated from other patients. It is also important to trace and follow up any persons the suspected individuals might have come into direct contact with to prevent unknown consequential deaths. The right organization of public Health restrictions in epidemic ebola areas is vital against the spreading of ebola virus.
No cure
It is important to remember that just like AIDS, the medical world has not found a cure for the Ebola virus yet. As such, prevention is not optional against cure in this case! Rather, it is a necessity for survival!.
8:04 AM

infectious diseases,