The Botox guarantees you full smoothing of wrinkles and promises you a youthful face. For this reason, is currently the No.1 on-demand method in the Aesthetic Dermatology.
Below you will find everything you need to know about Botox:
The botulinum toxin type A or otherwise known to us all Botox is a natural protein that is injected in the area blocked the stimulation of muscle nerves in the region from which neurons. This leads to the mobility of the muscle to be limited, thus limiting and the formation of "dynamic" wrinkles formed in the skin from long-term contraction of the muscle.
The Botox achieves the maximum of the action of the 30th day after application, but over time the protein was degraded, resulting in complete return of muscle contraction and may require re-application in 4-6 months to maintain the effect.
So, we see that the contraction of the muscle back, so in any case this method does not cause permanent "paralysis" of muscles, as many patients fear.
Moreover, because Votox used for many years to treat other medical conditions, such as blepharospasm, strabismus and cervical dystonia, ten studies have been performed at major medical centers show that this is a safe drug without serious side effects , whose action resolves directly to its discontinuation.
The age at which to start Botox is relevant because the wrinkles do not develop either at the same speed or to the same extent in all skins. Important role played by genetic predisposition, chronic sun exposure, smoking and the application or not sunscreen and moisturizer.
Practical application usually starts after the age of 30, while today it is considered preferable to launch before the formation of deep wrinkles and folds on the face, which now formed when the Botox is not sufficient and require additional application of skin implants.
Finally, a question posed by many patients is what happens if someone decides to terminate the application of the method. In this case, as we have seen, there is no problem for the patient, as the contraction of the muscle responsible reset and the process of aging with wrinkle formation continues its normal pre-Botox course.