Friday, December 2, 2011


Hemorrhoids are the result of dilatation of submucosal veins.

Hemorrhoids are divided into:
1st Grade: characterized from  those that are not projecting from the anus
Grade 2: characterized from those that are projecting from the anus by defecation but return automatically after
3rd Grade: characterized from those that come back with help
4th Grade: characterized that many do not return (always stay out)
What causes the disease - Causes - trigger Factors 
Predisposing factors for hemorrhoids include:
deferrals of the bowel due to lack of time or social circumstances and the prolonged stay in the area of ​​bowel
sedentary lifestyle
the reduced exercise
intense coughing
Epidemiological evidence
50% of men and women may develop hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Of this percentage, approximately 10 to 20% required surgical intervention.
The disease is known by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians.
How manifest the disease - Symptoms
The symptomatology of the disease include
Pain in the anal area
Thrombosis of external hemorrhoids grid
Rectal fluids (mucus secretion)
Itching (pruritus)
Feeling of incomplete defecation
Diagnosis of the disease - Examinations
You should assess the situation, excluding the existence of other diseases that cause similar symptoms to hemorrhoids as fissures, fistulae and abscesses around the anus. Special attention requires the appearance of blood in the stool may hold such colon cancer (the second most common cancer in the world), particularly at ages over 50.
Appropriate tests include:
Overview of rectal palpation and surface
Colonoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and necessary tests to exclude other benign or malignant disease.
What are the complications
Iron deficiency anemia due to bleeding
Treatment - Methods to address
The treatment of hemorrhoids first and second degree are conservative. The anti-constipation, healthy diet and lifestyle changes are the most simple and most important ways to improve or treatment of disease.
Laxatives should be given at the doctor's instructions.
The use of anal ointments helps but only temporarily.
When the disease persists usually requires surgery. Many methods and techniques have been applied to the surgical treatment of hemorrhoids eg (sclerotherapy, photocoagulation, rubber rings etc.)
The ligation (suture closure) under ultrasound hemorrhoids arteries is a new, modern method.


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