balm is known from antiquity. The Greeks used it for treatment of wounds, trauma, internal infections and neuralgia.Dioscorides, Pliny and Hippocrates used the balm to face sciatica and bites from poisonous animals. For many centuries used the balm as a key component of many drugs to treat neuralgia, urination at night, depression, insomnia and poor mood of women from the menopause. In the 16th century used as a healing wounds especially by Paracelsus and other doctors of the time. In 1652, the Culpeper is the first who used it as medicine for the treatment of melancholy and madness. Scientific balm recognized as a medicine against depression since 1990.In the U.S. today is available as a dietary supplement. In which Germany has the highest use of all antidepressants.
The balm, dried, used in teas. Also balm powder used in the manufacture of jellies, capsules and pills.
Fresh, used in numerous products such as: vinegar, alcohol, oil, glycerine, etc. Also used in ointments, lotions, massage creams,shampoos etc.
With qualities that classify one of the very important human therapeutic herbs, the worth from antiquity are known to effectively deal with dermatological problems, heal wounds and strengthen the immune system.