The avocado is a fruit oval from Central America and Mexico.Cultivated for thousands of years and is used not only for consumption but also to combat health problems and skin diseases.
Amount equal to 150g avocado delivers 236 calories and contains 29mg of vitamin K (36% of the proposed consumption of Day), 7.3 g fiber, 90mg folic acid and 12mg of vitamin C. It is also rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the LDL and increase the HDL cholesterol..
In particular it contains oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid which offers protection for expression of breast cancer.Avocados contain additional lutein, a carotenoid that contributes to deterioration of the retina and cataracts. It also contains tocopherols that are powerful antioxidants.With the proper content of potassium contributes to better regulate blood pressure. Because folic acid that contains, protects against cardiovascular disease. According to a study conducted in the United States women who consumed more vitamin PP, folic acid were 55% less risk of suffering a cardiovascular disease.
Studies have shown that the avocado has a protective effect on the skin. If spread to dry or red skin, help restore the normal texture and color.
Friday, December 23, 2011
The benefits of avocados
6:45 PM

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