Two AIDS/HIV patients with more of 30 years of infection and with expressed lymphoma (lymphoma is the most common cancer that of course in people with A I DS/HIV infection) are healed from the infection and the cancer because of one bone marrow transplantation . The transplant procedure was performed in Harvard university hospital just to treat their symptoms of their lymphoma disease.the surprise war that the two patients where healed from the retroviral infection.For more than a year no one has taken a retroviral medication and still the virus antigen could not be detected in blood exams.
the doctors that reported that the bone marrow transplantation not only treated the people from cancer but also provide protection and treatment to the AIDS/HIV infection. Even though the retrovirus is not only in bone marrow but also in brain and the gastrointestinal system and could be that the retroviral infection could appear again.nevertheless it is one of the most important breakthroughs in the field of AIDS/HIV treatment.
This is also not the first case that a bone marrow transplantation treated the AIDS/HIV virus. In the "Berlin patient " they cure from the retroviral infection come after a bone marrow transplantation from a donor who had a natural body resistance to the AIDS/HIV virus (she could live without retroviral drugs as his body was combating the virus himself).many people in Scandinavian countries up beer to have this natural resistance.
It is important to consider that the two new cases donors have no such advantage like the Berlin^s patient donor.