Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Statistic about diabetes in United States of America

it is estimated from the diabetes American Association that 25.8 million Americans and with that they 8,3% of the total US population have is also estimated that 7 million people to have diabetes in state of need not only a specific diet but also a medical treatment but is not diagnosed and the people don't know that they have the disease Diabetes is a disease that the people affect from it have high levels of glucose in the blood resulting from a variation in insulin production or the variation how insulin affects the body cells.If someone diabetes and not receive an mendicant treatment or doesn't  undergo a specific diabetes diet , the resulting high levers blood glucose can lead to serious cardiovascular diseases , blindness,renal failure and other severe complications.

In the last years it is estimated that more and more children and teenagers under 20 years old to have increased body weight and prediabetes.


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