In the summertime we all want to lose unnecessary kilos mostly in abdomen and I around the waist. Many people go to fitness gyms and have to do a lot of abdominal exercise and to perform a strictly diet, here will be presenting some extra steps you can do in addition of the above or nevertheless even you follow just the tips underneath, certainly you can lose weight, be more healthy and you can be a step further to reach your dream six-pack .
One: reduce the consumption of Salt. When you consume large quantities of salt you have an increased fluid retention and that leads to extra bloating of the abdominal area and also can lead to cellulite. That's why it is suggested not to add extra salt in your food.
Two: avoid drinking coffee and alcohol.instead drink 2 L of water per day and leave your body to detoxify
three not to spicy foods.the spicy foods cause in the stomach irritation and with that probably will be triggered passively the consumption of fat rich products like milk or cheese and also the consumption of extra water and with that more bloating for you.
Four reduce carbohydrates. If you manage for 10 days to avoid to eat bread, rice ,pasta soft drinks and beer (yes it contains carbohydrates also) you will manage to lose weight and be in shape.