Friday, December 2, 2011

How to stop bleeding before Medical help arrives

1. Washing with soap and warm water in a small lesion
2. DO NOT remove any sharp objects from the wound
3. Pressure with the palm over the wound for 10-30 minutes without moving your hand or shake the swab (using a sterile gauze or a clean handkerchief or cloth). DO NOT peek a wound to see if bleeding has stopped!
4. The pressure must be constant. If the gauze or cloth wet spread another over without removing the wet.
5. In major bleeding press the bleeding vessel with fingers.
6. Tie everything centrally from the wound (over the wound).
CAUTION bind tightly when the tip can cause poor blood circulation leading to a drop in blood pressure. If not repaired in less than two hours, is risky.
7. It is best to avoid The "tight binding" except in cases of amputation
8. Keep the injured body part perfectly still until help arrives.


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