Osteoarthritis is a chronic rheumatic disease that is found in joints of the hands, feet and spine. Most often affects only one joint, and rarely found in more. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease. It destroys the articular cartilage covering the bone surface within the joint and bone hyperplasia accompanied by the limits of the articular surfaces within the joint. This means that projections generated bone, called osteophytes, which the world calls "salt", despite having no connection with the salt. The osteophytes are bone on bone. According to statistics, the disease is more common in the hip joints, knee and spine than in others, such as the ankle joint and the elbow.
What are the Causes?
The cause of osteoarthritis is unknown. However, scientis found that osteoathritis is the expression of virulence catalytic factors such as heredity, metabolic and hormonal effects on cartilage, the degree of stress on joints, local mechanical loads and pre-existing arthritis. In young patients with osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage is injured or receives abnormal loads applications for long.
How is osteoarthritis diagnosed?
The diagnosis is made securely via radiographs and clinical presentation. According to experts, no more specialized tests, x-rays after the show with clarity the problem in cases of osteoarthritis.
What are the symptoms of osteoarthritis?
Pain is the main symptom of osteoarthritis. At the initial stage of the pain to the affected area occurs in high stress situations, while disease progression occurs even at small strain.
In advanced stages the pain makes its appearance even at rest, with quite often nocturnal pain that prevents the patient to find a place to relieve him.
Other symptoms of osteoarthritis, according to the Society of rheumatic diseases are:
Joint stiffness after immobility. Usually takes a few minutes.
Swelling of the joint, which on touching is hard.
Deformation of the joint, the symptom that appears in advanced stages.
Sometimes the condition is asymptomatic and the degenerative spondyloarthropathy at times can cause back pain or neck pain with or without pain extending along one of the lower or upper extremities.
Can osteoarthritis be prevented?
Most aggravating factors acting on the occurrence of osteoarthritis is modifiable. The weight control, regular and proper exercise, maintaining mobility and avoiding activities that burden the joints should be applied before the onset of the disease, even from childhood.
Doctors point out that prevention of osteoarthritis is a matter of vital importance. Besides, all the joints wear out over time and eventually stop working.
Given, however, account aggravating factors and adopting a similar lifestyle can avoid the premature degeneration of the exercise.
Which population groups are at osteoarthritis risk?
According to epidemiological survey on osteoarthritis carried out by the Institute of rheumatological disease, female gender, and age over 50 years are risk factors for osteoarthritis of the knee, hip and hand. Obesity favors the development of osteoarthritis of the knee and hip, while those who proved most vulnerable characterized by low educational level.
The last factor is justified by the fact that most people practicing low-level training manual occupations charged on their joints.
According to scientific studies, the disease occurs with equal frequency in all corners of the Earth, regardless of color or race.
What is the frequency in the general population?
It is the most common rheumatic disease and one of the most common diseases that afflict humans.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
10:15 AM

Health Knowledge