Women who regularly eat oranges, grapefruit and citrus fruits in general are more protected against stroke, cerebral infarction. It was discovered by researchers at the Norwich Medical School -University of East Anglia (U.S.) by examining the consumption of citrus fruit by about 70 thousand American women. The research, published in Stroke, aimed to discover the general benefits of flavonoids, natural antioxidants present in fruits, vegetables, chocolate and red wine.
Scientists came across an interesting fact. The consumption of flavonoids reduces the risk of stroke, but that of oranges, grapefruits and lemons has an additional benefit, protecting up to 19% more from the danger of stroke. On anti-inflammatory action of flavonoids."It is known that flavonoids foster the functioning of blood vessels and an anti-inflammatory," the researchers explain. To make could well be too high content of vitamin C of citrus fruits, recognized as a reduction factor of stroke.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
oranges and grapefruit protect from stroke
2:26 AM

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