Saturday, June 25, 2011

EHEC in France 25.06.2011 - The strain of E. coli in Bordeaux is the same as in Germany (EHEC)

EHEC in France 25.06.2011
The strain of E. coli in Bordeaux is the same as in Germany (EHEC)

In France, the initial infection of E. coli was known to a German meatproducts. Later in Bordeux are several patients with the exact same disease as the EHEC - Infection. Now the French HealthMinistry announced that the strain E. coli 0104: H4 ( EHEC ) is the most likely  the cause of the outbreak in Bordeaux.The same EHEC strain that affected more than 3,200 people and caused 38 deaths in Germany and Sweden.
In total, ten EHEC - cases detected and seven people remainedin hospital since Friday. 2 of the EHEC patient also suffered HUS syndrome.
The patients had previously eaten sprouts. 

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