Saturday, May 28, 2011

EHEC Germany Stand 05/29/2011

iN GERMANY there are now more than 1,000 people in whom the cause of diarrhea EHEC is suspected or has already been demonstrated. At least nine people have died, more floating in critical condition. A summary providing details of Saturday: 
- HAMBURG : At least 400 suspected cases and EHEC infections are known at least two people have already died. About 80 people are hospitalized because of severe HUS complication, the hemolytic-uremic syndrome , or treated on suspicion. 
- Schleswig-Holstein: There are about 250 documented infections. At least three people came by the EHEC pathogens killed. The number of so-called HUS cases is with life-threatening diseases in over 70
- BRANCH: More than 140 confirmed illnesses and 50 EHEC suspected cases are known. At least three people died. The more severe complication of HUS are suffering now more than 40 people. 
- England: At least 48 people are demonstrably ill with the virus. Including unconfirmed suspicions that there are 84 diseases. Caused by the EHEC-threatening kidney failure was reported in 15 cases. 
- Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania : For more than 50 human pathogens, an infection with the diarrhea-diagnosed. 
- HESSEN: At least 34 HUS cases were counted. - BREMEN : In Bremen and Bremerhaven are official data on Friday a total of 28 cases of HUS known for. With more than 50 people suspected EHEC. A woman in Bremen has been killed by the pathogen. 
- Bavaria: Until Friday 23 EHEC infections have been reported, eight people were treated for HUS.
- BERLIN : 15 EHEC cases have until Friday confirmed were, of which suffer from 6 people to HUS. - Saxony-Anhalt: At least 11 cases have been identified. In 3 of the patients was the most dangerous HUS syndrome identified. 
- BRANDENBURG : At least 4 people, the infection was confirmed . In addition, there are at least four suspected cases in two affected individuals suspected HUS. 
- SAXONY: 6 EHEC patients are reported, none of them suffering from HUS. 
- Baden-Württemberg: At least 5 people suffer from the severe HUS disease. 
- SAAR: Until Saturday 5 EHEC cases have been reported, including 3 patients with HUS. In another Saarland patients suspected HUS.
- Thuringia: The number of confirmed cases of diarrheal diseases caused by EHEC is at least 5 Two people suffering from HUS, at 2 suspicion of EHEC infection. 
- Rheinland-Pfalz: At least 2 people are infected, one of them fell ill and was in a clinic in Karlsruhe treated. According to a hospital spokeswoman on Saturday, there is no acute danger to life more.


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