Asthma is the most common chronic disease of childhood.Almost one in ten children suffers from asthma. The percentage change dramatically for the worse in recent years.
Key factors of this change, which exacerbates the situation is life for children in the cities - with all that this implies - and away from the natural environment and nature.
Asthma is a condition that did not occur now. It is known from the past. Unknown but the mechanisms involved within and outside the body, and help the appearance and progression.Bronchi in asthma resulting in narrowing the air can not easily pass through them and breathe.
The narrowing of the bronchi is mainly due to various allergens and causes inflammation. Bronchospasm, swelling and mucus is the result of inflammation. When it comes to asthma should be borne in mind that this is not a contagious disease.Nor should we forget that damage caused is irreversible.Asthma has to do with two key players. First heredity and secondly and very importantly, the environment.
The area which we live. The environmental factors that affect the air pollution, cold, inside the house (dust mites), pollen from flowers, humidity, cigarette smoke (especially when talking about childhood asthma, secondhand smoke contributed to this ) substances from cleaning products, etc.
The symptoms of childhood asthma did not differ from the symptoms of asthma in general, are easily seen by the pediatrician:
Shortness of breath, tightness in chest, intense coughing accompanied by mucus and whistling during respiration are the key elements that predispose when considering that the child has asthma. Especially when these symptoms occur after a cold or after exercise, tend to support this diagnosis. Of course we must say that from child to child and symptoms can vary both in intensity and in frequency. The doctor will decide.
The basic method of treatment is to avoid exposure of children to the irritating factors. Medication has two objectives: First, to alleviate symptoms and secondly to reduce the intensity of the crisis. These medicines are usually inhaled - hit directly the problem and relieve the least possible side effects.
The doctor is one who will decide when to stop making the drug rather than parents may think that the problem addressed and the stop.
Asthma when the child enters puberty, it usually resolves without this meaning that at some stage of his adult life will not reappear.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Asthma in childhood
6:34 PM

Health Knowledge