Bulimia is characterized as a state of nutritional chaos. The main feature is to overeat, which attempts to compensate from the patient in two main ways:
1. or by resorting to weigh loss through dialysis with diuretics, self inflicted vomiting, laxatives or enemas
2. or other forms of weight loss , such as excessive exercise and fasting.
Although weight loss is not a direct target for a person with anorexia nervosa, the exemption from regular compensatory and stabilize a normal body weight is of primary importance.
The role of diet is important in helping the patient to arrange a diet plan (a plan), while assessing the needs and the potential for change. The main objective of the dietitian in a person with bulimia is training for a balanced diet. Practical ways to reduce bulimia and encourage people to a proper eating behavior are:
* The daily consumption of unprocessed carbohydrates (cereals, bread, pasta, beans) which are the basis of a balanced diet. It's rich food fiber and minerals and easily creates a sense of satiety.
* Eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.According to experts, should consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Fruits and vegetables are very important, because they contain vitamins, minerals and fiber and antioxidants.
* The presence of fiber in the diet, helps to better control our appetite, causing early satiety long.
* Minimal use of red meat and frequent consumption of fish and poultry.
Eat breakfast and always healthy homemade snacks.
* The regular consumption of meals (5-6 meals a day) favors stable metabolism and reduces the feeling of hunger and the impact this would have on the availability and choice of food.
Eat a variety of foods. The body needs more than 40 different nutrients for proper functioning.
* It is important to drink enough water throughout the day. The water, except that it is necessary to hydrate the body, can reduce hunger.
* Reduce fat, because it gives 9 calories per gram (1 teaspoon of olive oil gives 45 calories). Prefer but as a main source of fat in olive oil.
* Food is our fuel. We eat to live, not live to eat. Get interests and activities that will give you a sense of creativity and psychological well-being.
* Treat the psychological hunger. Many times, our mood to eat is not the result of actual hunger, but various factors, psychological, for example. You may be anxious about their work and office, you may have problems with your partner or friends. Hunger is the message sent by the agency to tell us that we need fuel, so if the desire for food is not due to this, the food will not make you feel better.
* Do not eat while watching TV. When you watch TV while eating, they may be absorbed both by what you see, which may end up eating more than you need. Most importantly, however, that if it is something you do everyday can connect well these two occupations, and any time you want to watch TV together and eat.
Eat slowly. It supports many investigations, when we eat a minimum of 20-30 minutes to get the message to the brain that we're full.
* Do you have remorse for a go wrong and you are always social. Do not deny it, if you invite for dinner, saying that diet.Follow normal, just watch what you eat.
* Exercise daily: gym, dancing, swimming, favorite sport, floor exercises at home, walking, etc.
* Eat in a calm atmosphere. Stress, strong emotional reactions, noise can suppress much of the digestive function.
* Eat the right reasons, when they're hungry. When you feel upset, angry or upset, do not try to use food to control your mental disorder.
* Better organization of the refrigerator we only require are better choices. It takes time nor cost. The empty fridge, no guilty temptation, saves money and calories.
* The control portion size is very effective way to control weight.
People who have difficulty expressing their feelings using food like an escape. Adopting principles diet and determination of the patient to follow one to one steps towards food self-awareness is beginning to address eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.