Who can resist the sweet taste? Surely not many, after sugar consumption has doubled in recent decades.Most people believe that sugar is bad for health, good teeth, is to go wrong following the diet causes obesity or diabetes.Eventually, we really know what all these allegations are true and what not?
1. All sugars are the same
Sugar, like starch, is carbohydrate. When we use the term sugar, we usually mean table sugar. However, there are other forms of sugar such as fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, which are found naturally in fruits, vegetables, honey and milk.Common table sugar (sucrose) is composed of glucose and fructose. The fructose found in fruits and honey, while glucose is the simplest form of sugar, and the form of sugar that circulates in the blood and provides energy in the body.
2. Sugar causes tooth decay
Frequent consumption of sugar jeopardizes the teeth for tartar.However, the decay is caused in fact by bacteria. If there is proper oral hygiene, bacteria in the mouth use sugar to produce acids that cause weakening and rupture of the enamel. This is especially true for sugar have been treated, such as those found in fruit juices, honey, sweets and drinks containing sugar.
3. Sugar has more calories than fructose
The sugar and fructose have exactly the same calories, since both are carbohydrates. Provide 4 calories per gram. What connected the fructose diets is the fact that it has nearly double the sweetness of sugar. Therefore, to achieve the same sweetening effect we can use smaller quantities of fructose than sugar, so hire fewer calories.
4. Sugar causes obesity
Research institutions and health organizations including the World Health Organization have concluded that the sugar does not cause obesity. Foods and drinks containing sugar can increase the weight if total hire more calories than those that our body uses. However, sugary foods are very tasty and usually high in calories (sweets, ice cream, cakes, chocolate, etc.), making it easier eventually consume calories. We therefore need special attention to their consumption in order to avoid weight gain.
5. Sugar causes diabetes
Diabetes is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, and not eating sugar. Certainly, the increased weight and obesity increase the risk of developing diabetes type 2. People with a family history of diabetes should follow a balanced diet and controlling their weight.
6. Sugar causes hyperactivity in children.
Although the scientific community has concluded that the sugars are not responsible for hyperactivity, many parents still believe that sugar affects the behavior of children. The American Institute of Medicine reviewed over 23 studies and concluded that consumption of sugar is not responsible for the hyperactivity that occurs in some children. In contrast, some studies have shown that adding small quantities of sugar in the diet of children increases their performance on tests of cognitive abilities.
7. Sugar is addictive
Studies have shown that sugar is addictive in mice to humans but there is no corresponding data. The sugar makes the food very tasty and stimulates the brain center responsible for the enjoyment and production of endorphins, the hormones produced when you feel pleasant. No wonder we like sweet foods, especially when they contain fat simultaneously. But there is no reason to confuse the strong desire for those with addiction.
8. Avoiding sugar is essential for weight loss.
In many epidemiological studies have shown that sugar consumption is not associated with increased body weight.Indeed, several studies have examined whether the level of sugar in the diet difficult weight loss, and concluded that the results are similar, whether contained sugar in the diet or not.What is crucial to the loss and weight control, is the total energy intake and expenditure through physical activity of individuals.
9. Sugar has no place in healthy eating
The instructions of the health institutions emphasize the importance of a diet rich in nutrients. Although sugar does not contain vitamins and minerals, help in recruiting food like milk or cereal breakfast foods that are rich in nutrients. Thus, moderate consumption of sugar can be part of a healthy balanced diet.
10. Diabetics should not eat foods containing sugar
In 1920, the scientific community believed that diabetic patients should not eat sugar and carbohydrates. This theory broke down in the modern medically decades, and now the scientific community allows the consumption of starchy foods for diabetics, if they be allocated to daily meals. In a balanced diet, permitted to consume even small amounts of sugar in the diabetic. It has been shown that even when recruitment is done in parallel with complex carbohydrates, fiber, fat and protein in a balanced meal, it causes a sharp increase in blood glucose levels.