Many are saying that with eating a lot of garlic you can drop down your blood pressure and you can use that instead of drunks against high blood is good to have garlic on your diet but if you plan to replace your meds with garlic you have to eat each day 20 pieces of Garlic and that means absolute no social life.imagine that someone took 20 pieces of garlic and got on a bus I imagine many people going out of that bus.
Health , infectious diseases , illness & Medicin
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Smile Makeover - a way to perfect your smile
Not everyone іs born with the perfect smile, but luckily reaching that goal іs not а hаrd thіng to do. Now іmprovіng our smіle іs eаsіer thаn ever wіth mаny optіons to receіvіng а totаl smile makeover. There аre mаny optіons to perfectіng your smіle. One of the most common аnd eаsіest іs whіtenіng. There аre mаny wаys to whіten your teeth from strіps bought іn-store to а quіck аnd eаsy chаіr sessіon аt your dentіst’s offіce. Teeth whіtenіng mаy seem lіke such а smаll аesthetіc іmprovement to your smіle but the results cаn reаlly mаke а huge dіfference іn your smіle’s look.
A Smile Makeover cаn аlso іnclude certаіn meаsures such аs closіng gаps between teeth or correctіng іnconsіstent spаcіng. Thіs cаn be аccomplіshed wіth veneers - а thіn mаterіаl plаced over а tooth, lіke а shell, to іmprove the аppeаrаnce of your smіle. Veneers аre аlso greаt for chіpped teeth or mаkіng your teeth hаve а more even look аbout them. Smіle mаkeovers cаn hаve some very posіtіve results lіke boostіng self esteem. Thіs reаson аlone mаkes smіle mаkeovers extremely common. Mаny celebrіtіes hаve hаd аesthetіc dentаl іmprovements. It іs extremely common to fіnd celebrіtіes hаvіng dentаl іmprovements just lіke everydаy people! A smіle mаkeover could possіbly be one of the best decіsіons you hаve mаde yet.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Statistic about diabetes in United States of America
it is estimated from the diabetes American Association that 25.8 million Americans and with that they 8,3% of the total US population have is also estimated that 7 million people to have diabetes in state of need not only a specific diet but also a medical treatment but is not diagnosed and the people don't know that they have the disease Diabetes is a disease that the people affect from it have high levels of glucose in the blood resulting from a variation in insulin production or the variation how insulin affects the body cells.If someone diabetes and not receive an mendicant treatment or doesn't undergo a specific diabetes diet , the resulting high levers blood glucose can lead to serious cardiovascular diseases , blindness,renal failure and other severe complications.
In the last years it is estimated that more and more children and teenagers under 20 years old to have increased body weight and prediabetes.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
AIDS/HIV can be treatable through a bone marrow transplant operation?
the doctors that reported that the bone marrow transplantation not only treated the people from cancer but also provide protection and treatment to the AIDS/HIV infection. Even though the retrovirus is not only in bone marrow but also in brain and the gastrointestinal system and could be that the retroviral infection could appear again.nevertheless it is one of the most important breakthroughs in the field of AIDS/HIV treatment.
This is also not the first case that a bone marrow transplantation treated the AIDS/HIV virus. In the "Berlin patient " they cure from the retroviral infection come after a bone marrow transplantation from a donor who had a natural body resistance to the AIDS/HIV virus (she could live without retroviral drugs as his body was combating the virus himself).many people in Scandinavian countries up beer to have this natural resistance.
It is important to consider that the two new cases donors have no such advantage like the Berlin^s patient donor.
lose weight and achieve a six-pack with only four tips
In the summertime we all want to lose unnecessary kilos mostly in abdomen and I around the waist. Many people go to fitness gyms and have to do a lot of abdominal exercise and to perform a strictly diet, here will be presenting some extra steps you can do in addition of the above or nevertheless even you follow just the tips underneath, certainly you can lose weight, be more healthy and you can be a step further to reach your dream six-pack .
One: reduce the consumption of Salt. When you consume large quantities of salt you have an increased fluid retention and that leads to extra bloating of the abdominal area and also can lead to cellulite. That's why it is suggested not to add extra salt in your food.
Two: avoid drinking coffee and alcohol.instead drink 2 L of water per day and leave your body to detoxify
three not to spicy foods.the spicy foods cause in the stomach irritation and with that probably will be triggered passively the consumption of fat rich products like milk or cheese and also the consumption of extra water and with that more bloating for you.
Four reduce carbohydrates. If you manage for 10 days to avoid to eat bread, rice ,pasta soft drinks and beer (yes it contains carbohydrates also) you will manage to lose weight and be in shape.
MERS virus can be a global threat?
Since last year in middle east appeared a threatening and a lethal coronavirus with the name of MERS. MERS virus is similar to the virus of acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) that was known world wide in 2003.Coronavirus I know to be the virus of the common cold.
A mutation to this Coronavirus made the virus to be more dangerous that it used to be and seems like the mutation took place in middle east.The MERS virus as official health report recorded made 77 people to be ill from the virus disease and amongst them for 41 died from the killer Virus. Virus diseases of MERS have been reported in Qatar, Saudi Arabia,Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates. Also additional cases have been reported in European countries like in France, in Germany, in Italy and Britain.Nevertheless they sick people in the European countries had a positive history directly or indirectly with a trip to the Middle East.
That make the word health organization not to consider the MERS virus like a global threat

Thursday, May 30, 2013
symptoms and diagnosis of Diabetes
Diagnostic of diabetes Many people are wondering if they have Diabetes. If you are fixed with the idea having Diabetes the best think to do is to go to a doctor to make exams of the glucose level in blood or in Urine. The most secure and more comfortable labor measure to see if any has Diabetes and high glycerin blood numbers is to be measured the Hba1c . That is the glycosylated hemoglobin and if it is high then is the diagnosis of diabetes certain.
Diabetes Symptoms
But back to the post tile , how can one start to suspect if he has diabetes? What are the symptoms of untreated Diabetes ? The beginning symptoms ( and not the late complications of untreated Diabetes ) are to be continuously thirsty , to urinate a lot , to feel continuously tired and some times losing of appetite and hungry feeling.