Monday, September 12, 2011

Explosion in nuclear waste Facility in France

marcouleAn oven exploded today in the nuclear station Marcoule, in southern France, creating a risk of leakage of radioactivity, as was now known by the fire department and county in Nimes.
One dead, four injured in the nuclear waste facility
The factory used by the French firm Areva to recycle nuclear materials
It was constructed in 1955 to produce plutonium
According to the website of Aveva is one of the oldest nuclear complexes.
Nuclear power covers 70% of energy needs of France
With the news of the explosion, the shares of energy company EDF declined 6%
Explosion occurred this afternoon in the nuclear station Marcoule, southern France, leading a man to lose his life and and four have been injured, except one of them in critical condition.
According to a spokesman of the managing company of the nuclear plant explosion occurred in a furnace which is used to melt radioactive waste and killed one man and injured many others.
So far there is no leakage of radioactivity. But the risk is high with the authorities have put the belt in case of leakage. It is worth noting that the nuclear station Marcoule not contain nuclear reactors but treats nuclear waste.
The facility produced nuclear fuel (MOX), which recycles ploutonium nuclear weapons.
The factory was built in 1955 and is one of the oldest in France.
And the 58 nuclear plants in the country had a recent stress test, after the destruction of Fukushima.
The factory operated by the company Socodei, a subsidiary of EDF, the largest energy company in France.


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