Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Treat Gingivitis gum disease

First registration: Monday, November 7, 2011, 14:08

Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums is mainly the result of poor oral hygiene. In the slit between the teeth and gums are collected debris, which create the plaque. The plaque contains many bacteria that produce acids and irritate gums.
Preventing gum disease is feasible, while the response, if already present, it is necessary, as otherwise it will cause serious problems, even leading to tooth loss.
- Brush your teeth everyday morning - at night and in between meals, even after coffee.
- Use dental floss daily. Often, brushing is not enough to
remove the food from the teeth.
- Avoid using baking soda or salt for brushing teeth and using toothpaste with fluoride.
- Change your toothbrush frequently (approximately every 2 months) preferring those with moderate hardness.
- Make at least every 6 months a precautionary check up your dentist.
-If you already suffer from gingivitis, necessarily visit the dentist, who will make thorough cleaning of the teeth in order to completely remove the stone that has been created. Then, a correct and regular brushing the inflammation subsides.
- In addition to poor oral hygiene, gingivitis can lead to diabetes, and certain blood diseases and hormonal disorders (eg puberty, pregnancy, etc.).
Should consult your doctor when you notice the following symptoms:
- Bright red gums
- Swelling of the gums
- Possible bleeding, either automatically or during brushing.
These are usually accompanied by odor.


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